Local Resources for COVID-19 in East Texas
The Northeast Texas Public Health District (NET Health) provides Disease Surveillance activities within the East Texas counties of Smith, Gregg, Wood, Rains, Van Zandt, Henderson, and Anderson.
Texas Department of Agriculture Resource Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E-fmLXuRvhYT_7A4txPFUUQNYZ-C4lbtgBBzvw8lKzM/edit
The CDC website: https://www.coronavirus.gov/
Paycheck Protection Program Link: https://chambermaster.blob.core.windows.net/userfiles/UserFiles/chambers/3182/CMS/COVID19_UPDATES/SBA---Paycheck-Protection-Program---FAQ's.pdf
April 1, 2020 KMOO Interview: https://chambermaster.blob.core.windows.net/userfiles/UserFiles/chambers/3182/CMS/COVID19_UPDATES/Double-Talk-4-1-20.mp3
How to Access Stimulus Funding for Your Small Business: https://www.uschamber.com/series/above-the-fold/how-access-stimulus-funding-your-small-business?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTVRCaU1XRTJZV0psWVdReiIsInQiOiJqRmNvSVhLamJjTGdLbHJ2WVZoeEtIdjRtWERqcko1XC95ZUhyaDcwR1JJTWFaZ2g3UTExTloyUVplZDJQck82QmxNVXBORjY0eUtpdk9NNmFCQmJiWnN0dU8ySnh4YlNlR2p6cHZJaDA4QVU0UGZOa204dVVzT2RWalwvSmV2aXU0In0%3D
As we begin to open Texas, we must continue to follow these critical health guidelines:
Stay home if you can.
Wash hands often and for 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue away.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Disinfect surfaces, buttons, handles, doorknobs, and other places touched often.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Continue to practice social distancing, avoid crowds, and limit physical contacthighlights of the plan:
Executive Order to Stay at Home will expire at midnight on Thursday, April 30, 2020
Phase 1 will begin May 1, 2020
- 25% Occupancy at Restaurants, Retail, Movie Theaters, and Malls
- 25% Occupancy at Libraries and Museums
- Sole Proprietorships can reopen
- Churches & Places of Worship can expand capacity
- Outdoor Sports limited to 4 participants (example golf & tennis)
- Dr., Nurses, and Dentist (all licensed healthcare providers) can see patients
Phase 2 will begin May 18, 2020 (if curve continues to slow)
- 50% Occupancy at Restaurants, Retail, Movie Theaters, and Malls
- 50% Occupancy at Libraries and Museums
Barbershops, Hair Salons, Bars and Gyms will not reopen at this time and the Governor did not give a timeline for reopening, but the hope is Mid May.
Chamber President & CEO Update-(3/30/2020)
COVID-19 Update and Encouragement (4/9/2020)
Link to information about Small Business Loans
Attention small businesses impacted by #COVID19: the @USCCFoundation has teamed up with @vistaprint on a new #SaveSmallBusiness grant fund. Every dollar counts. Learn more about how this $5,000 grant program can help meet short-term business needs at
https://savesmallbusiness.com/ -
Your Partner in Business for 40 Years